WetterVila Real, Portugal
Showers Late
Considerable cloudiness. Occasional rain showers after midnight. Visibility reduced by smoke. Low near 15C. Winds light and variable. Chance of rain 50%.
Mostly cloudy this evening with showers developing after midnight. Visibility reduced by smoke. Low 59F. Winds light and variable. Chance of rain 50%.
- Sonnenaufgang: 07:15 am
- Sonnenuntergang: 07:32 pm
- Regenwahrscheinlichkeit: 45 %
- Luftfeuchtigkeit: 74
- Windgeschwindigkeit: 5 km/h 3 mph
- Windrichtung: S
- UV Index: 0
- Gefühlt: 23°C 72.6°F
- Niederschlag: n/a
- Luftdruck: 29.9 mb
- Sicht: 5 km 3 mi